Profile picture for user abajszar3


Hello! Welcome to my page. 

I am originally from Denver, Colorado, and completed my BS in Genetics with minors in bioinformatics and crop science at Purdue University in 2024. I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Bioinformatics, with interests in genomics, immunology, and synthetic biology. If I am not in the lab you will find me in nature, doing puzzles, or playing trivia!

Feel free to connect with me via LinkedIn or email!



Research Interests

I am currently working with Dr. Lily Cheung and Dr. Kostas Konstantinidis at Georgia Tech. My research with Dr. Cheung involves optimizing biosensor linker sequences through various computational techniques including machine learning. My research with Kostas Konstantinidis involves expanding the Microbial Genomes Atlas (MiGA) to include viral genomes and microbial eukaryotes.