Howdy! Orignially from San Antonio, TX, I graduated from Texas A&M Univeristy in 2017 with a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Genetics. I completed my MS in Bioinformatics at GA Tech in 2019, with my research focus on fine-mapping eQTL and identifying causal variants responsible for altered gene expression associated with Crohn's disease. I have now switched my research focus as a PhD student to single cell RNA-seq and single cell ATAC-seq analyses. My thesis work focuses on identifying transcriptional regulatory programs associated in Crohn’s Disease in collaboration with Dr. Subra Kugathasan at Emory University. Check out our lab's webpage: https://ggibsongt.wixsite.com/gibsongatech
eQTL Fine Mapping
single cell transcriptomics and epigenetics
B cell biology
Crohn's Disease